

Tonight Lottie is sitting on my lap. She's just watching as I insert pictures, type out these phrases, and then erase the words that don't seem 'quite right.' She's laughing at her own photographs. My littlest love.
Figuring out her own tongue. She makes a whole variety of strange faces while attempting to grasp all of her possibilities. So often I sing to her: I am a Promise. I am a Possibility. I am a Promise with a capital P. I am a great big bundle of Potentiality."
Nia is in bed for the night. She didn't really take a nap today. Uncle Kyle came over and once she heard his voice she was up! She loves playing in our huge 'sand box' with Nathan. Today she kept taking cup-fulls of sand and putting them on the tailgate of Kyle's pickup truck.
Carefully placing sand in her cup.
"Here, Mom..."
"...these are for you!"
Uncle Kyle and Lottie sittin' in the truck together.
Deer in our driveway this morning. The deer pictures are for my Dad.
Deer in the side yard:
Nathan attempting to run and scare them off:
The boys shopping for goat food:
At the local feed store. (It's way cute!)

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

It looks like you have a little piece of heaven right here on earth ... I'm smiling right down to my toes ... :)