

How was your Christmas?

Ours was wonderful. I may never abandon our Old Fashioned Christmas concept. The kids are having a ball with puzzles, books, Lincoln Logs (these are currently spread all over the play room), and shape sorters. Nick is having a ball with his straight edge razor (!) and thick wool socks. And I am having a ball with a new rolling pin, serving spoon, robe, and a wonderful necklace (amongst other things) from Nicolas. I'm also having a ball watching everyone else have a ball!

Not a single battery needed. Thankyouverymuch.

It was a joy to have my parents come and visit all the way from Michigan. Kyle came over as well! It was wonderful! We all lamented their leaving and are looking forward to the time, hopefully within the next year, when we will all move much closer to home.

Lottie is on the cusp of standing and walking unassisted. She is absolutely delightful. In fact, she and I are grinning at each other right now. She's eating peanut butter toast in her highchair while the dog waits longingly for a crumb to hit the floor.

Nia is talking all the time. We understand more and more of what she is trying to say. She can tattle on her brother quite proficiently. "Mama! Mama! Nay-Nay push Nia boom-boom!"

Nathan plays very well independently..which is a tremendous blessing to me! But, he does love to be included in group activities or games. Nick works out each day for 30 minutes to an hour, and it has been a hoot watching Nathan join in the workouts. He will count the repetitions out loud, just as Nick does, and say "Phew!" when he is done.

I would say that life often seems dull, or ordinary, at best. Daily repetitions of diaper changes, meal preparation, story time, toy pickup, etc. And at the same time, you'd be hard-pressed to describe life with three (almost four!) small children as anything but exciting! It never stops, this constant cycle of running, and laughing, and crying, and needing, and wanting, and spilling, and you-name-it. And I would like to tell you that I enjoy every single minute. But that would be a complete untruth. I probably enjoy about every couple of minutes, though, and those times make the rest worth it.

Gotta go let the dog out.

Happy New Year!


Mom Jones said...

We wish your beautiful family a wonderful NEW YEAR. It was delightful reading about your Christmas. We missed all of you here in Michigan! I'm looking out the office window at the sun glistening on the snow ... and even though I hate the COLD, I LOVE the view.

Coming to see you in early March. We're trying to finalize the exact dates in the next week or so. :)

Anonymous said...

"Mama! Mama! Nay-Nay push Nia boom-boom!" Even though this is tattling it sounds so sweet. Happy New Year to you and yours too! You have so much to look forward to in the next few months. Cannot wait to read your updates.