

I think the notion that a child is ready to potty train when he/she hides while having a bowel movement is quite widely accepted. It is at this point that the child is able to recognize their need to use the bathroom and is, therefore, trainable.

With Nathan, that was pretty much the case. Although Nathan was a little stubborn, potty training him wasn't too much trouble. I didn't know what I was doing, of course! After all, Nathan is our firstborn. But it all seemed to fall into place.

Not so with Nia.

I had this blissful image of potty training Nia. I had heard that girls are easier and faster to train. They seem able to grasp the concept at a younger age than their male peers. I was feeling confident in my ability to train Nia. But I was wrong.

Nia was uncooperative. Unwilling. Unready. Un-trainable!

I was completely undone.

I had no idea what to do. I tried training using several different philosophies, but nothing was working. I finally set aside the notion of training Nia and just hoped that, in her case, potty training would come on it's own.

And it did. Sort of.

Because one day I was walking through the house when I discovered this:

Lottie had found a new and innovative place to 'hide' while having a bowel movement. Lottie was ready to train! (I was in stitches, racing for the camera, and telling myself that this was a moment worth capturing!)

Once I started training Lottie, guess who decided that they, too, wanted to be a big girl? That's right. Nia. So here we are, with two girls actively potty training. I'm exhausted, up to my ears in small, damp underpants, sore from the performance of multiple outrageous 'potty success dances', and ready for both girls to be completely trained and accident free.

But at least we are having success!


Sabrina said...

Yea!!!! I hope they both have great success soon for you guys! What a great accomplishment and it is so nice when you the diapers are done with!

Sent off a package full of Christmas presents for the kids to you today. Nothing too huge or fancy but hopefully something they will all love and you can use too!

Mom Jones said...

This picture of Lottie is hysterical.