
Cloth Diapering: The Long-Awaited Post

Okay, here is your illustrated guide to cloth diapering (as we do it!). The adorable model has asked to remain nameless and has also asked that some of the, uh, 'details' be removed. I think we can all understand that. So...

#1: Locate one incredibly cute child in need of a diaper change. If the child looks fuzzy like the one in this picture, you might take a break now to call your optometrist.

#2: Locate one cloth diaper cover and two (one small, one large) inserts. Flannel wipes only as needed.

#3: Locate snaps on diaper cover and adjust to desired size.
#4: Locate snaps on large insert and shorten to the desired length. I use one snap for L...the model.

#5: Layer inserts as needed. I use two inserts on the model shown. She has the ability to soak more than one!

#6: Locate pocket opening on inside of diaper cover and slip the inserts inside. Close using cloth flap.

#7: Diaper looks like this and now can be folded to look like, and pretty much be used in the same manner as, a disposable diaper.

#8: Make sure your model has not rolled away.

#9: Remove the old diaper using the Velcro tabs.

#10: Take just a moment to admire cute naked baby (or start right in with those wipes). But just a moment, because cute naked babies have been known to make messes.

#11: Lay cloth diaper under the bum.

#12: Fold up and secure with Velcro tabs.

#13: If you don't have a darling cloth diapered baby at this point, I just don't know what to tell you. I sure do!


Mom Jones said...

W O W !! Diapers have certainly gotten much prettier than in the day I used them ... and all of the clever inserts! We used to have to double diaper the kids, and cover over that with plastic (rubber) pants ... and they could hardly walk it was SO THICK! I like the new system ... very attractive. And your description and photos were totally instructional, as well as completely amusing! Thanks very much. :)

Brittany said...

oh my goodness! she is so adorable! the diapers are too!

Lil' Outlaws said...

I'm trying so hard to find a link to email you LOL - I didn't realize there were other CDing moms in Bandera!

I'd love to meet up sometime - I own an online store dedicated to CDing items and B&B products and would love to chat with a local mama!
